

英 [ɔ:ˈθɒrəti]
美 [əˈθɔrəti]


  • n.


  • 变形



    1. [U]权力,职权 power to give orders and make others obey
    2. [C]官方,当局 person or group having the power to give orders or take action
    3. [C]权威,专家 person with special knowledge


    authority[ ɔ:'θɔrəti ]

    • n.
      • the power or right to give orders or make decisions

        "he has the authority to issue warrants"


      • (usually plural) persons who exercise (administrative) control over others
      • an expert whose views are taken as definitive

        "he is an authority on corporate law"

      • freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities

        "she spoke with authority"


      • an administrative unit of government

        同义词:agencyfederal agencygovernment agencybureauoffice

      • official permission or approval

        "authority for the program was renewed several times"


      • an authoritative written work

        "this book is the final authority on the life of Milton"



    用作名词 (n.)
    • abuse authority滥用职权
    • accept the authority of承认…的权威
    • assert one's authority维护自己的权威
    • assume authority掌权
    • carry authority有权威
    • centralize authority集中权力
    • cite an authority引经据典
    • consult the -ties请教权威人士
    • defy the authority蔑视…的权威
    • delegate authority授予权力
    • demonstrate authority显示权力
    • deny the authority of否认…的权威
    • dispute the authority of对…的权威提出质疑
    • disregard the authority of无视权威
    • establish authority over确立对…的管辖权
    • exceed one's authority越权
    • exert one's authority over对…行使职权
    • exploit authority利用职权
    • give sb more authority授予某人更大的权力
    • give the authority for your statement拿出你那句话的依据
    • have authority具有权威
    • hold supreme authority over对于…具有至高无上权威
    • ignore the authority of无视…的权威
    • invest with full authority授予全权
    • invoke one's authority行使权力
    • overstep one's authority越权
    • possess authority over拥有对…的权力
    • question the authority对权威表示怀疑
    • reject authority抵制权威
    • resist authority反抗权势
    • respect authority尊重权威
    • revolt against authority反抗权势
    • ridicule the authority of嘲弄…的权威
    • secure one's authority确保自己的权力
    • show one's authority显示权力
    • strengthen authority巩固权力,强化职权
    • undermine authority暗中破坏权威
    • use one's authority使用权力,运用职权
    • usurp the authority of篡夺…的权力
    • weaken sb's authority削弱某人的权力
    • weaken the king's authority削弱国王的权力
    • wield the authority行使权力
    • absolute authority绝对权威
    • academic authority学术权威
    • accepted authority被承认的权威人士
    • acknowledged authority被承认的权威人士
    • administrative authority行政管理权
    • all due authority一切应有的权力
    • approving authority核准机关,能够批准军事法庭判决的复审机关,军事审核权
    • central authority中央的权力
    • certain authority一定权力
    • civil -ties民政当局
    • competent authority有资格的权威人士
    • complete authority全权
    • distinguished authority著名的权威人士
    • eminent authority杰出的权威人士
    • foremost authority最高权威
    • full authority全权
    • great authority伟大的权威人士
    • indisputable authority无可争辩的根据
    • international authority国际权威
    • irrefutable authority无可辩驳的权威
    • leading authority主要的权威人士
    • legal authority合法权限
    • legitimate authority合法权力
    • local -ties地方当局
    • medical authority医学权威
    • military -ties军事当局
    • ministerial authority内阁的权限
    • municipal -ties市政当局
    • parental authority父母的权威
    • postal -ties邮政当局
    • presidential authority总统的职权
    • proper -ties有关当局
    • recognized authority被承认的权威人士
    • reliable authority可靠的权威,可信赖的权威
    • respected authority受到尊重的权威
    • reviewing authority审核权
    • royal authority皇权
    • standard authority标准性的权威
    • supreme authority最高权力
    • the highest authority最高权力
    • tyrannical authority专制权,暴君的权威
    • unchallenged authority未曾受到挑战的权威
    • unimpeachable authority无可怀疑的权威
    • unquestioned authority无可争辩的权威
    • well-known authority著名的权威人士
    • world-wide authority世界闻名的权威人士
    • city -ties市政当局
    • customs -ties海关当局
    • education -ties教育当局
    • occupation -ties占领军当局
    • ruling -ties统治当局
    • sovereign authority君主权
    • by the authority of蒙…的许可
    • in authority当权
    • man in authority有职权的人
    • man of authority权威人士
    • of authority有权的,权威的
    • of great authority权力很大的
    • on the authority of根据…
    • on the authority of a book根据某书
    • on the highest authority根据最高方面
    • under the authority of在…管辖下
    • authority for …的权力
    • authority in a particular filed某一专门领域里的权力
    • authority in charge当局
    • recognized authority of high standing名望很高的公认的权威
    • authority on有关…的权威
    • authority on phonetics语音学权威
    • chief authority on semantics语义学的主要权威
    • conclusive authority on ecology生态学方面决定性的权威
    • great authority on phonetics语音学权威
    • high authority on finance财政高级权威
    • outstanding authority on shipbuilding造船学的杰出权威
    • unsurpassed authority on radio astronomy射电天文学的无上权威
    • well-known authority on geomorphology地貌学的著名权威
    • world-famous authority on hydrodynamics流体力学的举世闻名的权威
    • authority over对…的权力
    • authority over one's children管教孩子的权力


    competent authority[法]主管当局,主管部门

    authority on有关…的权威;…的专家

    local authority地方当局;地方政权

    administrative authority行政当局

    tax authority税务机关

    public authority公共机关;政府当局

    in authority有权;持有权力的地位

    judicial authority司法机关

    legal authority法定权威

    central authority中央集权

    monetary authority货币当局;金融管理专员

    port authority港务局

    approval authority批准机关;核准权

    regulatory authority管理机构;制定规章的机构;执行机构

    aviation authority民航当局

    have authority管理;有管辖权

    limits of authority税收管理权和权限,权限

    by the authority of以…的权力;得到…许可

    certificate authority凭证管理中心;认证授权

    authority control权限控制;权威控制



    1. The government is the highest authority in the country.
    2. Authorities say the fires do look suspicious.
    3. Both the authorities and the media wondered whether insider dealing had been going on.
    4. The authorities did not interfere with us.
    5. The new building must be financed by the local authority.
    6. These documents ensure to you the authority you need .
    7. We see him as an authority on the subject.


    Price, Authority, and Trust: From Ideal Types to Plural Forms
    A relational model of authority in groups.
    A Secure and Optimally Efficient Multi-Authority Election Scheme
    Authority, Control, and the Distribution of Earnings
    Authority and Communication in Organization
    Territory, authority, rights: From medieval to ...
    A Secure and Optimally Efficient Multi-Authority Election Scheme
    The Optimal Structure of Incentives and Authority within an Organization
    Multi-authority Attribute Based Encryption
    Communist Neo-Traditionalism: Work and Authority in Chinese Industry